Geoengineers Need Mental Help

With the recent tests of geoengineering involving “spraying pollution to combat global warming,” we can easily see that something is very awry with these “mad scientists” that propose such schemes.
“Scientists” such as David Keith, and financial advisers such as Andrew Lockley, have proposed “spraying pollution to combat global warming” and “dropping a nuclear bomb into a volcano to cause it to erupt.”
The sadistic psychopathy of these “scientists” who plot chemical terror attacks on the United States should not only be punished criminally, but should also take into account the extreme psychopathy and sadistic views of the climate cult.
Various techniques have been proposed for delivering the aerosol precursor gases (H2S and SO2).[2] The required altitude to enter the stratosphere is the height of thetropopause, which varies from 11 km (6.8 miles/36,000 feet) at the poles to 17 km (11 miles/58,000 feet) at the equator.
Aircraft such as the F15-C variant of the F-15 Eagle have the necessary flight ceiling, but limited payload. Military tanker aircraft such as the KC-135 Stratotanker andKC-10 Extender also have the necessary ceiling and have greater payload.[4]
Modified Artillery might have the necessary capability,[42] but requires a polluting and expensive gunpowder charge to loft the payload. Railgun artillery could be a non-polluting alternative.
High-altitude balloons can be used to lift precursor gases, in tanks, bladders or in the balloons’ envelope. Balloons can also be used to lift pipes and hoses, but nomoored balloon has ever been deployed to the necessary altitude.[citation needed]
–Wikipedia, Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols (Geoengineering)
While David Keith (a lead geoengineering researcher) plotted chemical terror attacks against citizens on National Television, admitting that he plotted to kill 10,000 people per year with this terrorist program, he received a paycheck for his visit to the Comedy Central studios – instead of a prison sentence.
What this “man” needs, unfortunately, is some mental help.
[T]he admitting facility shall require an application in writing stating the circumstances under which the person’s condition was called to the attention of the peace officer, professional person in charge of the facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, member of the attending staff, or professional person designated by the county, and stating that the peace officer, professional person in charge of the facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, member of the attending staff, or professional person designated by the county has probable cause to believe that the person is, as a result of a mental health disorder, a danger to others, or to themselves, or gravely disabled.
–Wikipedia, 5150 (involuntary psychiatric hold)
As with history, when Napoleon gassed the Haitians with sulfur dioxide, we know exactly what this chemical terror agent is used for. When David Keith plots the same on National Television, merely using “aircraft” or Andrew Lockley plots to drop “nuclear bombs into volcanoes” to “release sulfur dioxide” on the population, we know that it is time to get these “geoengineering researchers” some mental help.
This is a medical emergency. For all listed “scientists” and “researchers” who plot chemical terror attacks against the United States, it is time to bring it to the attention of Peace Officers.
Bill Gates, Geoengineering / Chemical Terrorism Research Funding Source
We need to help these guys so that they cannot harm us anymore. If you know a geoengineer, get him or her some help immediately. This is a medical emergency.
When the geoengineers visit the mental asylum, we’ll let them tell their psychiatrist that “they want to spray pollution for global warming” or to “drop nuclear bombs into volcanoes to cause them to erupt.” We’ll see what their psychiatrist says about that.